Weekly reflection on 2nd week in intermediate phase generasi GIGIH

Azizi Maula
2 min readJul 18, 2021


  • How much did you know about the subject before we started?

I didn’t realize that i could reach this intermediate level. I learned too much about frontend engineering from the engineer mentors at Gojek. Previously i only knew this frontend engineer was limited to HTML, CSS and Javascript only and then i only saw a lot of tutorials from Youtube and another courses also joining the bootcamp courses. By getting to know the basic of frontend development. I can get to know more about Javascript especially in reactJs. since i taking this intermediate class that I can easily follow the material in frontend engineer class.


  • How do you feel about your work this week (homework, assignment)? What parts do you particularly like? Dislike? Why? What did/do you enjoy about this piece or work?

it’s good for me because i can easily show my progress to my partner in frontend development. by showing my progress to my friends they can easily put my name into their’s project team. As long as i join this class (frontend engineer) it’s feel good to do my best for homework. i can get more knowledge because every finish my class. mentors all always give me a homework to finish before the next meeting. Ienjoy to do my best at last work. because i have imagined about my website


  • How can you use this knowledge in future work?

it’s good question for me. as we already know about the future we can use or make various kind of platforms which can use to help people job at the future. for example we can create a web apps for the company needs to show their profile, using for business (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises) needs, etc. especially for helping people or company to make a platform in technology

